I have this problem. I thought I was alone in it, until I chatted with a fellow neurodivergent friend. I’m still stuck in teenage mode, where I feel like I can’t play until I’ve finished my chores. But I’m an adult, the chores are never done, so I’ve had a really hard time with reading just for fun, or painting because my soul craved it. Because I don’t feel like I’ve “earned the right”. So to speak.
So here I am, constantly feeling like I must be doing “something”. The seasons where my business has been slow, or I haven’t had a business (helllloooo 2020) have been excruciating to me, because I’ve never learned how to just… be.
But enter that aforementioned cursed year, and suddenly I find myself tiring very quickly of our increasingly chaotic and frenetic society. I used to think a futuristic society of flying conveyances and robotics would be so cool! Unfortunately, I’ve lived long enough to see how quickly technology can be used against people. (And don’t get me started on the current AI obsession… creepy.)
Instead, I started following people who were in the slow living movement. The idea of actively taking steps to live more intentionally, but also feeding into your local community, and local economy is extremely appealing. I’d personally like to be a little less dependent on the big bad smiley-box company.
So here goes nothing… everything? My family is moving to Georgia, to be closer to family… and so far we love it. We previously lived further south in Georgia, which was yellow pollen central. Now we’re further up, and it’s beautiful, and green, and we haven’t nearly as many allergy issues here, which is really something.
What will I be talking about? A little bit of everything. My creative explorations… life in the hotel (for now)… getting to know our new area… movies and tv… books… games… photography… language learning.
There’s other ideas percolating of course, and I’m always open for suggestions, in fact I’d LOVE to hear from you! Which of those topics are you interested in?
Till next time,
Mandy Sue